Contact ME

Thanks for viewing my website and considering how I might partner with you in ministry.

By God’s grace I have had opportunities to speak for many groups of Christians over the past thirty years. I have been honored to share God’s Word in churches of various sizes and national and international conferences. In particular, I have a passion for speaking to groups of women. I love to encourage Christian women to grow in their faith, and to invite women who are disconnected from God to draw near to the Savior who loves them more then they have ever dreamed.

My personal mission statement is simply this:
To receive the fullness of God’s love and pass it on freely to others, always pointing to Jesus.

I so appreciate the time you have taken to come and visit. If you would like to contact me, please fill out the form and its required fields and I will be in touch. I hope you will come and visit again soon!

Find Sherry on Facebook @SherryHarney

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